Featured Artist
Our first featured artist is the true multi-media artist Somfay. Hailing from Ontario, Canada, Somfay creates analog and digital work on HEN and fx(hash) full of color and change. Repetition, patterns, feedback loops, modular synthesis, and oscillators are somfay’s toolkit and we all are invited to engage in both small and large displays of their…
Latest Additions
created by AlexandreRangel Generative audiovisual altered orbits on the outskirts of consciousness. Made with Hydra and Tone.js(click to start sound) Alexandre Rangel, 2021www.alexandrerangel.art.br https://www.fxhash.xyz/gentk/81529
trust theorem #18
created by AlexandreRangel Alexandre Rangelwww.alexandrerangel.art.br https://www.fxhash.xyz/gentk/81500
Gossamer #21
created by larswander An exploration of texture, inspired by fabric suspended in the air. https://www.fxhash.xyz/gentk/81466
created by itsgalo Generative animated painting made by aimless wanderers in a dithered world. https://www.fxhash.xyz/gentk/81455
created by itsgalo Generative animated painting made out of throbbing blobbers. Some are rare. https://www.fxhash.xyz/gentk/81443